Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

Schwere, mich er hinein (2x Cut-Up)

Oben wolkenspitz

Oben wolkenspitz
rechts nur ein Berg
sanft, sanft die Weinhügel
Berge und, untenstehend, Wege.
Derselbe Berg, zuweilen summender,
blühender Berg,
Wege steil, sanft, sanft!
Bäume empor, Obstbäume, steil empor!
Dichtbelaubte Holzung,
wühlender, blühender Schatten.

- nach Theodor Storm: "Immensee"

Nichts schaun, kein Später
Über Zauber-Einsamkeit
Wehen die Gräber weg,

Wehen zum Eismeer dort, vom Duft der Hebriden her,
Veilchen und seltene Sterne jagen
Sterne herab
über die Hebriden.
Unrast und Sonne,
Dort überm Gewölk.

- nach Edgar Allan Poe: "Das Tal der Unrast"

Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

Many boroughs in this State which have no sufficient excuse for existence!

We believe that there are many boroughs in this State which have no sufficient excuse for existence, which were prompted by some local desire for extravagant improvement, or were a part of a scheme of speculation to encourage the sale of real estate, or were the outgrowth of sectional or local jealousy which found too easy a vent in the facility which the borough law afforded for the creation of a new municipality. We have not thought it advisable, however, to question in any way the existence of any of these boroughs or, in rehabilitating them, to make any distinction between those that ought to exist and those that ought not. It will be sufficient for the present, we trust, to guard against the increase of such boroughs.
- State Senator Foster M. Voorhees, report of the Joint Committee to Revise the Laws Concerning Boroughs,  March 25, 1896

Bild: Thomas Annan, St. Margarete's Place, 1897